Man smiling before colorful mural background.

Why Personal Branding Photography is a Must for Entrepreneurs

Personal branding photography is a must for entrepreneurs. Visuals play a crucial role in how you portray your personal brand to your customers and clients and how potential clients see you. First impressions last.  In the current climate it’s crucial now, more than ever, to do all you can to stand head and shoulders above the competition. It’s important to remember that customers shop with their eyes and will often make decisions based on their first impression of someone. In fact, as Nick Hems (personal brand stylist for men) often quotes, it only takes 7 seconds for someone to make a decision based on their first impression of you. So make that impression count.

Personal branding involves influencing the way potential customers see you and view your products or services, which is why personal branding photography is a must for entrepreneurs as it can have such a massive impact. Professional photographs are an asset and will serve you for years to come. Having a bank of on brand, professional, memorable and bespoke images will not only save you time, it will attract more of the right clients and make you more money into your business.

Having professional images of yourself out there is also so important, particularly at the moment when networking is mostly done online and face-to-face meetings are so much harder. People buy from people, and potential clients love to see your face and to know little snippets of information about you. If you can be brave and put yourself out there, even just a little bit, then people will feel much more connected to you and your brand, and you will be making it so much easier for (potential) clients to make the first move and to get in touch. If you feel nervous about putting yourself out there (who isn’t?!), I am there to help you every step of the way, with hints and tips on how to go about it gently, and detailed plans before your brand shoot, to make every image count.

(Nick Hems Personal Brand Stylist for Men: – all images on this website copyright Rose Dedman Photography)

Here are a few of the ways that you would benefit from taking professional personal branding photos:
  • Send them with your press releases. If you usually send out press releases or are planning to in the coming year, professional photos will help your submission stand out. 
  • Use them throughout your website. Businesses that feature professional photos of real people inspire more trust than those that use stock photos. Real life bespoke photographs, that are personal to you and your brand, also help tell your business story more authentically. Also, the video clips and promotional show reels that your photographer has provided you with will provide real stand out on your site. 
  • Use them throughout your social media campaigns. For every post or social media communication, you can choose the right image, that will heighten the engagement that post gets. You can also use the graphics, video clips and promotional show reels that your photographer has provided to increase levels of engagement.
  • Place them in your email campaigns. Take your email blasts to the next level by including your brand photographs in them. 
  • Include them on your landing pages. If you rely on landing pages to help you generate sales, adding personal branding photography to them can boost your results. 
  • Create a killer bio for events. Speaking at an upcoming event? Make sure that you have a professional headshot and branding photos on hand to send along with your bio.
  • Make your email signature memorable. Not everybody remembers a name but almost everyone can recall a face. Adding a photograph to your email signature can make it more memorable.
  • Add them to your printed marketing materials. If you print your marketing materials on a regular basis, a photograph can be used to make your brochures and business cards stand out.
  • Save time. When you’re approached by a publisher, you want to have a professional photograph that you approve of on hand. When you rely on publications to take your photos, you need to rely on their photographers, many of which are students. This is your personal brand and you should have the final say in whom takes your photos. You also save time in the sense that you don’t need to take additional time out of your day for the photos because you’ll already have them at your disposal. 

And remember, it is also important to refresh your photos often so that your personal brand is also reflected accurately and with images that represent your brand as it is now.

So I hope you have enjoyed learning a little more about why personal branding photography is a must for entrepreneurs. If you would like to know more, or you have been considering some personal branding photography, do take a look at some examples of my work, and get in touch if you have any questions!

[email protected]

07980 290354

The thing that impressed me most when working with Rose was the amount of preparation work she does prior to the photoshoot, really getting to understand my business, who my customers are and my future aspirations. By the time it came to the shoot, I felt like I knew her and that she understood me, which made me feel comfortable in front of the camera quickly. Prior to meeting she researched my local area and came up with some great locations and backgrounds for my shots, along with what I requested. All in all, I felt like we could not have squeezed anything more out of our time together and I was really impressed with the outcome. I have the photos I wanted for my business. Nick

Are you ready to kick start your brand?!

Man in suit playfully dancing on city street.

Testimonial from Nick Hems:

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